Ново търсене

За нас

  • 100% сигурна система за плащане

  • Плащате в евро

  • 3,5 милион продадени билети

Информация за мястото

Metropolitan Opera

Metropolitan Opera

Metropolitan Opera

Подобни изживявания

Подобни категории

Билети за: Aida


5.0 (3)
От 175,00 лв.

Verdi's Aida is opera at its grandest: the tragic love story set in ancient Egypt now returns to the Metropolitan Opera in New York.


- Choose the price range that best fits your budget
- See an opera at the world famous Metropolitan Opera House

Как работи?

How do I get my tickets?
You will receive you booking confirmation shortly after your booking is complete.

Your e-ticket will be emailed directly to you within 24 hours. Mobile tickets are accepted.

When booking tickets for an opera in New York you will always be granted best seats available at the time of your booking. We have no influence on the exact seat and row number, as it is solely the theater that can appoint the seats. These cannot be changed or altered as they were the best available seats at the time of your booking.

Мигновено потвърждение

Получавате електронни билети

Инструкции за мястото


Lincoln Center -Amsterdam btwn 62nd and 65th Sts New York NY US


Помощна линия на английски

+44 20 3870 3444 +44 20 3870 3444

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